About Us
Maria Roth

Maria Roth
Participated in the first AMI Course in Munich under the direction of Mario Montessori Senior, son of Dr. Maria Montessori, and Margarete Aurin, who was taught directly by Dr. Maria Montessori in Barcelona (1933) and who was Mario’s assistant in the first AMI course in Frankfurt 1954. Studied under Prof. Dr. Theodor Hellbrügge, pediatrician and chairman of Aktion Sonnenschein – Hilfe für das behinderte Kind e.V. (Help for the handicapped child).
After passing the exams, the AMI diploma was signed by Mario Montessori and states: “The holder of this diploma is entitled to lead a Montessori class with children up to the age of seven, including children with various and multiple disabilities. However, he is not entitled to train teachers of this method. This diploma can be extended after two years of practice and after being inspected by persons who have been authorized by A.M.I.”
This year I started my work in a kindergarten that was modeled after Dr. med. Maria Montessori, and under the sponsorship of Aktion Sonnenschein – Hilfe für das mehrfach Kind e.V. (Help for the handicapped child). This kindergarten was the first International Montessori Pedagogy kindergarten that provided pedagogical care for children with various and multiple disabilities together with non-disabled children. Under the direction of Ms. Margarete Aurin, I was able to experience this pedagogy in a very special way. I was allowed to listen as a guest when several students of Maria Montessori gathered together: Margot Waltuch / USA, Ann Heijenk / Amsterdam, Nancy Jordon / Dublin and Mrs. Grosso / Turin. The latter two gave many ideas for inclusion, as it is called today. I found their “life stories” very interesting.
After several visits to my kindergarten group, Mario Montessori recommended that I take the AMI coach training in the US, which was one year with Hildegard Solzbacher. My texts, which I had to write, were all allowed to be in German. I had to regularly send them to Mario – all errors from typing or from the typewriter were seen on the carbon copy. But that did not bother him.
It took me some time to accept this recommendation. I did not know the value of this coaching training. But ultimately I trusted Mario and Margarete, and Prof. Hellbrügge supported the project.
In 1976, the construction and implementation of the first AMI Montessori Special Education Course under the direction of Margarete Aurin began. My diploma was updated: “Diploma for Special Education” “… has learned the principles and practice of the Montessori method as applied to the education of handicapped children as well as the education of integrated groups of handicapped and non-handicapped children.”
Mario wrote a letter to me saying “I would like to ask you to take the full pedagogical responsibility for the development of the course for Special Education in Munich”.
Until 1996, I conducted these courses under “Aktion Sonnenschein”.
Renilde Montessori, the granddaughter of Maria Montessori, requested that the combined course content be separated. She wanted an AMI Course with content for a non-handicapped child and “a special qualification over and above the usual AMI diploma”. The participants were given two diplomas: “Montessori Diploma Casa dei Bambini” and the new diploma, which shows that the AMI Training Center is now run not only by Aktion Sonnenschein, but together with the International Academy for Developmental Rehabilitation. “The diploma entitles the holder to work with children evincing additional exigencies.” This text was also written by Renilde Montessori.
But Prof. Hellbrügge did not want this separation in education. Thus, ended the cooperation between “Aktion Sonnenschein” and AMI. But Prof. Hellbrügge did not want this separation in education. Thus, ended the cooperation between “Aktion Sonnenschein” and AMI.
Renilde asked me to set up a new AMI training center, which I enjoyed doing.
Montessori Internationales Ausbildungszentrum e.V. (Montessori International Training Center).
1999 – 2001
2002 – 2004
While on the MIA board, I co-directed the 1st course (since 1954) for the school division with the AMI Elementary Trainer, Mr. Peter Gebhardt-Seele.
I received the AMI diploma for the school division.
Established and sponsored the Montessori Internationales Ausbildungszentrum e.V. (Montessori International Training Center), a Montessori Kindergarten in German and English.
I was the Chairman of the Board until I retired. After that, it became necessary to restructure the organization for the AMI course due to various reasons.
Montessori Adult Education MAE GmbH.
Since in 1990, I have worked with Russian friends of Montessori education in addition to the activities in Munich.
2013-14 and 2014-2015
I established the AMI Montessori Pedagogy in Prague, Czech Republic.
2015-16 and 2016-17
I established the AMI Montessori Pedagogy in Poznan, Poland.
The weekend course for 2017-2018 is currently in its 20th year.
The Modular Course was established for the course year 2017-2018.
I was also an examiner in Atlanta, Paris, Bucharest, Switzerland, Moscow.
Teacher preparation course in Girona, Spain and Switzerland.
Various visits to Sofia, Bulgaria, Austria, Slovenia.
Finally I would like to thank Prof. Hellbrügge for my time as the head of Aktion Sonnenschein – Hilfe für das mehrfach behinderte Kind e.V. (Help for the handicapped child). I have learned to appreciate his many different activities for “the child”. This is the period time of the creation of the child’s center. It is unimaginable what this man did for “the child”, not only with his medical knowledge but also with his humanity.
All the children in the world need adult support to build their person.
Montessori is only as good as the hands of the person presenting the material to the child.
Therefore, the Montessori Pedagogy training of adults is necessary. The better they understand it, the better they can help the child.